Implementation of A Recommendation System in A Social Network


One of the main features of social networks is the possibility to analyze the di erent users, and what they like and dislike. Many features are built on those observations many other features can be build, such as a powerful recommendation system.

This work extended a social web application by the support for automatic neural network based recommendation based on tags. The web application allows the user to specify di erent publications, which have di erent set of tags. Each publication has a rating. Based on these information, our recommendation systems suggests new publications to the user, which may be of an interest. The user then has the possibility to rate the recommendations. This information is used to improve the accuracy of the recommendation system. The system is implemented using the popular Ruby on Rails web application framework.

The neural network functionality is delivered from the Ruby Fann gem. The rating system is achieved through the usage of ajaxful{rating gem. The glue between those three modules is implemented in Ruby.
